Friday, December 11, 2015


I enjoyed the PSA showings in our classes. Honestly the biggest reaction is people in the class laughing. I knew that we wouldn't get any serious reactions. Most teens are not interested in anything similar to that. I did say MOST not ALL. I say that out of experience as a teen myself. Although they were informative and I did enjoy making them they were not effective to captivate an audience of teenagers. The ones we have watched at least. 

Now to my genius time project. I have almost all of my information on a word document saved on my computer I will be adding it little by little on to my website. So check it out as It all comes together!

Friday, December 4, 2015

PSA Reflection

I really enjoyed this unit of making our PSA's. Making these videos and working on them with a group was very fun. I believe that we should to these more often because at times you can get tired of just talking about social media, but if we do hands-on things like this it keeps things entertaining. I learned it is very difficult to create the message on PSA's and it takes a lot of work and carefulness to try to appeal to your audience. From my video I liked the short clips we set up in the beginning with the music sounds amazing. I wouldn't do anything to change the project I think it turned out well. If you are a student you will be watching our PSA's in english class soon.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Our Progress

Between work and school it has been hard to post any new information on my website. I have done a couple more things to put my project out there. I have tweeted the link of my project several times using the #technology. I have had an even bigger influx of people looking at my site daily which surprises me because I don't have too much information yet. I am hoping to add even more as the week progresses. 
We are currently working in groups on a PSA project. My group is with Blake, Thad, and myself. Our PSA is about being careful about what you post online. Our PAS is going well. we are going to make an iMovie to represent our topic. It will show a party and someone posting an inappropriate picture of the party online and in the end it will say not to risk posting it and facing the consequences. We are using non-copyright images and videos to creat a slideshow-type presentation using words to describe it instead of voices or sounds.

Here is a picture of my website's front page:

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Google Hang Out!

I really enjoyed our google hang out with Kevin Beaty. We heard him talk a lot about his work and how he "puts himself out there" to be hired. I like his go-getter attitude and how he takes the initiative to work on projects even though he does not get paid for them and he turns them into business for him. I enjoyed his persistence even though times may be hard. He told us about how he gets work; about sending letters to publishers and reporters to see if he can get one of them to hire him for work. Even though he sends many messages and letters he might only get one response and is able to work with them. From what he said he seemed like a very experienced photographer. You could see how he edits the photos in this little book he has of his projects and pictures.
I hope to imitate his attitude towards my passion project in that I want to be persistent and inform others of my project through social media so that others can view my website. I actually received an email from Weebly saying hat I had 47 people visit my site in the passed three days. This is because I used a # that was popular and people decided to visit the site. The google hangout inspired me to make my project succeed I want to have it in as many places that I can. I will use twitter to do this. I hope to reach a goal of having 200 visitors per week to see my sit, at least by the end of the year. I will post something on twitter about my site every other day to maximize the possible visitors. 
Thank you for reading my blog I hope you will continue to visit. :)
Here is the link to my site so that you can check it out as well:

Friday, November 6, 2015

Passion Project Pitches

The presentations of our passion projects went very well in my opinion. There was a good turnout with a lot of people joining us. I was able to give my presentation to several members of faculty, students and parents. I enjoyed sharing my ideas with people and hearing their input. I even had a picture taken of me with my project and it was posted on twitter. I also enjoyed seeing all the stop motion videos. :P

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Blog 10/22

To be honest I have not done anything this week so far. Yet I can tell you what I have done from my project.  I have created the domain to my website and I have begun to insert tabs and information. I have not done any extensive research on the project yet I know  the basic information that I will add to the project. I have met my bench marks so far for quarter 1 my goal is completed.

Friday, October 2, 2015

PD Reflection

For the student Pd I presented the website peardeck. It is very useful for use as an interactive notes. Honestly I do alot of public speaking so I wasn't nervous at all. I am used to large crowds. Mostly of 120 or more, once of 3,000. I was working with Eddie Muldowney on this presentation and it went smoothly. We successfully described the tool and showed the teachers how they could utilize it in their classroom. We could have improved in the quality of our peardeck itself although it was sufficient in teaching. During the "Free time/Planning time" I was able to walk around the class room and assist the teachers in utilizing the tool. 
In all I think that this was a pleasant experience and thoroughly enjoyed partaking in this PD.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Twitter Chat

If I could choose to moderate a Twitter blog I would want it to be about traveling. I love going to different places and seeing new things. I would talk and see where people have been and hear their stories. 
My genius time project is about technology and its use so I could use a twitter chat to see how people feel about the topic that I have to talk about. You can get immediate feed back from people that you wouldnt be able to communicate with otherwise.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Shark Tank


I was nervous about the shark tank pitch because I had so much that I was not sure about what I was going to do for the project. The shark tank pitch helped me gain a better thought on what Im going to do for my passion project. After I presented my idea all of the students gave helpful advice and helped be think by asking questions. I also learned from listening to other students Ideas and using some of that to better my project. My project,though, is very complicated and before things changed dramatically. I will keep you posted as I continue my long bumpy road that is my passion project.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Technology enables the disabled

What will my project be about? 
This is a difficult question. I must find a subject that will affect people in the community. How can technology affect those around us. Well instead of hitting the point that it is misused I am planning to possibly raise awareness for the disabled. We could use technology how to best benefit them. How? Creating gadgets that they could use in every day life that will make common tasks easier. Our thoughts and actions will evolve witht the project as it developes. I feel like just sitting here and telling you what we will do for the project is unrealistic. There might be something that we promise that may not be fulilled. Our project may be something that was planned on something that could change and end up doing something we did not expect. The beauty of the passion project is that as long as we follow our passion no matter how it turns out we tried our hardest. Just in the past two days I was planning on creating a website on my own that would raise awareness for the misuse of technology. Now I have created a partnership with Ryan. (He is in this Class If you want to check out his blog as well) in this project that changed the way my project will turn out completely. I still plan on creating a website yet now we are focusing on possibly creating a club that will colaberate with other organizations and help those that are disabled to function more easily. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Reflection of My HeartBreak Map

This Is My Heartbreak Map ^

I love to use technology. As a child my parents limited my technology use, but once I began to use technology more often and as new inventions (like the iPhone) came out I new that I wanted to work with technology in the future. There are many different forms of technology. Medical, Military, Informational and recreational are the most common forms of technology used today. Heart breaking to me would be the ways that it is misused.

Medical technology is not necessarily misused... yet it is not as proficient in saving lives as most people would be satisfied with.

 Military is kind of obvious. Technology should not be used to kill. So much of  U.S. money is put into creating the deadliest machines. The more they kill the better. Technology is beautiful, yet when in the hands of selfish, tyrannical, power hungry people it is misused.

Informational technology can be put to good use yet there there are ways in which that can also be misused. Thousands of hackers and greedy people are out there trying to steal from people. I got this statement of statistics from
  • 6.6 million people are stalked in one year in the United States.
  • 1 in 6 women and 1 in 19 men have experienced stalking
    victimization at some point during their lifetime in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed. 
Recreational technology is also misused. Technology should only be used in moderation, it can be as addicting as any drug. Some children just like to spend hours on the computer at a time wasting their whole day.

So I would like to see a change in the way technology is used. Using it for the positive instead of for selfish unclean reasons with a view of moderation in mind.