Friday, September 11, 2015

Twitter Chat

If I could choose to moderate a Twitter blog I would want it to be about traveling. I love going to different places and seeing new things. I would talk and see where people have been and hear their stories. 
My genius time project is about technology and its use so I could use a twitter chat to see how people feel about the topic that I have to talk about. You can get immediate feed back from people that you wouldnt be able to communicate with otherwise.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Shark Tank


I was nervous about the shark tank pitch because I had so much that I was not sure about what I was going to do for the project. The shark tank pitch helped me gain a better thought on what Im going to do for my passion project. After I presented my idea all of the students gave helpful advice and helped be think by asking questions. I also learned from listening to other students Ideas and using some of that to better my project. My project,though, is very complicated and before things changed dramatically. I will keep you posted as I continue my long bumpy road that is my passion project.