Friday, November 20, 2015

Our Progress

Between work and school it has been hard to post any new information on my website. I have done a couple more things to put my project out there. I have tweeted the link of my project several times using the #technology. I have had an even bigger influx of people looking at my site daily which surprises me because I don't have too much information yet. I am hoping to add even more as the week progresses. 
We are currently working in groups on a PSA project. My group is with Blake, Thad, and myself. Our PSA is about being careful about what you post online. Our PAS is going well. we are going to make an iMovie to represent our topic. It will show a party and someone posting an inappropriate picture of the party online and in the end it will say not to risk posting it and facing the consequences. We are using non-copyright images and videos to creat a slideshow-type presentation using words to describe it instead of voices or sounds.

Here is a picture of my website's front page:

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Google Hang Out!

I really enjoyed our google hang out with Kevin Beaty. We heard him talk a lot about his work and how he "puts himself out there" to be hired. I like his go-getter attitude and how he takes the initiative to work on projects even though he does not get paid for them and he turns them into business for him. I enjoyed his persistence even though times may be hard. He told us about how he gets work; about sending letters to publishers and reporters to see if he can get one of them to hire him for work. Even though he sends many messages and letters he might only get one response and is able to work with them. From what he said he seemed like a very experienced photographer. You could see how he edits the photos in this little book he has of his projects and pictures.
I hope to imitate his attitude towards my passion project in that I want to be persistent and inform others of my project through social media so that others can view my website. I actually received an email from Weebly saying hat I had 47 people visit my site in the passed three days. This is because I used a # that was popular and people decided to visit the site. The google hangout inspired me to make my project succeed I want to have it in as many places that I can. I will use twitter to do this. I hope to reach a goal of having 200 visitors per week to see my sit, at least by the end of the year. I will post something on twitter about my site every other day to maximize the possible visitors. 
Thank you for reading my blog I hope you will continue to visit. :)
Here is the link to my site so that you can check it out as well:

Friday, November 6, 2015

Passion Project Pitches

The presentations of our passion projects went very well in my opinion. There was a good turnout with a lot of people joining us. I was able to give my presentation to several members of faculty, students and parents. I enjoyed sharing my ideas with people and hearing their input. I even had a picture taken of me with my project and it was posted on twitter. I also enjoyed seeing all the stop motion videos. :P