Thursday, October 22, 2015

Blog 10/22

To be honest I have not done anything this week so far. Yet I can tell you what I have done from my project.  I have created the domain to my website and I have begun to insert tabs and information. I have not done any extensive research on the project yet I know  the basic information that I will add to the project. I have met my bench marks so far for quarter 1 my goal is completed.

Friday, October 2, 2015

PD Reflection

For the student Pd I presented the website peardeck. It is very useful for use as an interactive notes. Honestly I do alot of public speaking so I wasn't nervous at all. I am used to large crowds. Mostly of 120 or more, once of 3,000. I was working with Eddie Muldowney on this presentation and it went smoothly. We successfully described the tool and showed the teachers how they could utilize it in their classroom. We could have improved in the quality of our peardeck itself although it was sufficient in teaching. During the "Free time/Planning time" I was able to walk around the class room and assist the teachers in utilizing the tool. 
In all I think that this was a pleasant experience and thoroughly enjoyed partaking in this PD.